Instructions for upgrade from dsm6 to dsm7 with keeping Emby library:

- make sure, you have dsm6 and dsm7 Emby (beta) package for same version. At post creation it was:

Link for lastest versions from first post:

- update Emby to dsm6 package - start Emby and check if update went good - stop Emby - goto Emby share clean cache, logs, transcoding-temp (with filestation) - uninstall Emby

- update DSM to v7

- install Emby (dsm7 version) - stop Emby - remove emby_pkg user and video group

- enable ssh in Synology settings - connect with Putty to Synology, login with admin user and get root rights with: sudo -i - copy files from old Emby share to new data location: cp -r /volume1/Emby/* /volume1/@appdata/EmbyServer - adjust owner from copied files: chown -R emby:emby /volume1/@appdata/EmbyServer - close putty

- add emby user and emby group to your shared media folder in Synology - start Emby

Emby should work fine now with old library/users.

As last step, you can remove the old Emby share.